dot away
You know you're severely lacking in sleep when after the lesson, all you see on your paper are random dots here and there. :(It must've been the fatigue carried forward from the past two weeks coupled with the late nights spent on the computer (for reasons too obvious to spell out :p). I tried my darndest to stay awake this afternoon, especially since the lecturer was the nice and bubbly dora neo rather than the old mumbling german ellinger (oh man, hope he doesn't sue me for libel for this). But no matter what I do, I can't seem to stop my eyes from closing and sweeping me off to dreamland. And it's the weirdest "zone" to be in. On one hand, I could still hear the lecturer and surprisingly, understand some of the concepts she's explaining. Yet on the other, I felt my mind just drift through different images, all of which are very nice and sweet. :) It's in this realm where you are conscious of being asleep and awake at the same time.
When I do sleep, my hand stops moving, and the pen just stays put in one position on the paper, thus creating those random dots I see everytime I open my eyes. Heh my friend puts it very aptly, "I wanted to see what you were copying until I realised you were just dotting." That was simply classic.