Thursday, November 15, 2007

which reality

This is the longest I've been away from the comp. Not by choice though, because with the upcoming exams, I really cannot afford any such time. It was the thought of accumulating emails that compelled me to spare a few minutes. As I slowly read the emails, and browsed through several other blogs, I saw all the activities I've missed. Then a thought dawned on me - does returning to the comp satisfies "back to reality" or being away from it? I've survived pretty well for the past few days without the need to switch on my computer, and the events I've missed are not life-and-death matters. Yet there was an acute sense of not knowing what events people have organised (for me) or are doing with their lives, but if I seriously think about it, these things are only peripheral, they don't affect me in any major way. The sense of not knowing is no loss indeed. What really matters is your immediate life and the cherished people immediately around you. Perhaps returning to the comp is more befittingly known as "time for the un-essentials".