Friday, October 12, 2007

outstanding work

I think the more time one has, the more unproductive one is. :( I had potentially the whole day to do work and catch up, and yet I spent most of it sleeping and watching tv. I guess when you have too much time, you just take it for granted that somehow or other, you'll get your work done, so complacency seeps in and inefficiency results. Sigh. Well, at least I know the coming weekend won't be unproductive, because I'll be making my annual trip to malaysia for my grandpa's birthday, so there's more motivation to get as much work done as possible before I leave. Funnily, it's almost as if the theory that things are treasured not because of its intrinsic value but of its scarcity is true. My dad has always said that salt is the most under-valued substance even though it plays such an important role in all cuisines simply because it is too widely available. Isn't that a sad truth? Sigh. Maybe I should start filling up my days with activities again, just so I can gain a sense of urgency.