Friday, October 05, 2007


I haven't written in a while, does that mean it's been a productive week? One can say so. :)

Being stuck behind slow cars is one of my biggest peeve, especially when I'm in hurry. Sigh. Seriously, they move at a mere 40km/h and when they approach a bend, they reduce their speed into such an incredulous crawl that I had to jam-break. And on expressways, don't drive on the first lane (i.e. extreme right lane) if you're going to be so slow! And don't suddenly reduce your speed until I almost kiss your butt! Sigh. Ok aside from all that, I guess I really need to alter my driving style such that I stay safe and healthy. My dad tells me that in driving, it doesn't matter so much that you're right, but to watch out for others' mistakes instead, because other people's mistakes could be just as costly. Bearing that in mind as I deny my human nature in driving.

On the upside, for my Criminal Legal Aid Scheme (CLAS) program, I was lucky enough to go to Changi Women's Prison to interview the charged person. It was an interesting hands-on experience, one that I probably won't get to do so anytime in the near future (unless something major happens). In the circles that I've mixed with, I would never hear of anyone thinking of committing a crime, and yet in another part of Singapore there exists such a group that actually contemplates these things, intentionally or otherwise. It changes the way we see people, that there are others who are not as fortunate as us. It really reminded me how important it is to know God and have God in our lives. Everything else will fall in place.