sigh, yet another heavy day
The weekend came and went. The drudgery of work faces me for yet another week; I'm so thankful this is the last.Yesterday was pleasant enough. Met a friend and had dinner at two rochester park. Heh. Decided to check out what the fuss was all about. Indeed, it was an immensely beautiful place. Hidden beneath the natural green surroundings, the alfresco dining was relaxing and peaceful. We went early and manage to get a seat even without prior reservation. Contrary to what today's Lifestyle article featured, the waiters, although young, were willing to do their best and serve us. Obliging and courteous, they were. :) Between us, we shared an appetiser (hot spicy buffalo wings) and a main course (tenderloin steak with mushroom sauce). The appetizer was spanking hot! My friend and I were busy wiping our sweat after just one wing. Heh. The steak, however, in my opinion, could not compare to the one at black angus. It was slightly on the tough side and less juicy.

Yup, those are the "kick yo' ass" hot wings. And it was only level 2 spicyness. Heh.
Oh well, it does look good. ;p
After the dinner, we headed down to UCC to meet up with the rest of my sc friends to watch the play Man of Letters, written by Jean Tay and the music and lyrics composed by Dick Lee. It's a love story intertwined with the political unrest of the 1950s. The more hilarious parts and moving parts were in act 2. It was an overall okay performance.
The play had a hidden agenda - we wanted to see the new boyfriend of one of our friends, heh. So we asked her to drag him along, and another friend of mine brought hers as well, so as not to make the new guy feel too weird. ;p My gut instinct tells me that some reservations should be made about this new guy, but oh well, it's hard to say anything anyway, especially when my close friend looks so happy.