happy days...
The last two days have been most memorable. :)___________________________________________________________________
Last night's YA party was yet another success. :) It was our monthly get-together and dinner was held at my place. A birthday surprise was in store for our dear darryl who's turning 21 soon. But the unfolding of the story was hilarious. While I was trying to prepare the candles as steathily as I could, with daren's and john's help, kaypo darryl came by and saw what I was doing, and I thought the surprise was blown. But quick-thinking john hurriedly said to him, "Shh, shh, it's adrian's birthday." And for the life of me, I couldn't understand why he bought it! ;) But that's not it. While daren and I were carrying the cake to the table, darryl whispered to daren, "Help me blow out the candles too. My birthday is on tuesday. " It was all daren and I could do to keep ourselves from doubling over in fits of laughter. Truly it only takes an innocent but very thick-skinned person to say that. ;) He was in genuine amazement that the cake was for him. When his comment was finally made known to the rest of the group, everyone was hysterical for a good 10 minutes before composure was regained.
Taboo thereafter was equally ache-inducing. It can really reveal a person's innermost thoughts. ;)
Word: "regular"
Darryl: When you sign on the army, you are a...?
John: Loser!
Everyone burst into helpless laughter. We just held our sides for yet another 10 minutes before we could continue the game. It was just so unexpectedly amusing that staid john could actually come up with a word like that! ;) Adrian just eyeballed him mischievously, and said, "Now I know what you are really thinking..." Sigh. I love these bunch of people. :)
An outing with my sc friends this afternoon brought us to a very relaxing and european activity - picnic at botanics. ;) We met up first to buy our groceries (foccacia bread, lettuce, tuna, sausages, cheeses(!!), etc) and returned to michelle's place to prepare our lovely sandwiches before moving off again. After choosing a cosy spot near the symphony stage, we laid out our mats and tucked in happily to our lunch. :) Thereafter was just pure enjoyment of the scenic greenery, taking in fresh air and the sights and sounds of little children joyously savouring their childhood, and of course, each other's company. My personal favourite was just laying down on my back, with my eyes fixed towards the clear blue sky, staring deeply at the beautiful wispy clouds gently moving and transforming their lovely form into shapes that ignited my fertile imagination. Occasionally I closed my eyes and, with soothing background noises, let my mind take me to distances beyond. It was so peaceful and relaxing, I wish I could remain there forever.
On another cheese note, I finally found the cheese that gave me that on-air feeling in france. It's called bresse bleu, but due to the heat, the cheese was half-melted when we arrived at botanics. It was slightly disappointing, but nevertheless, the taste was unmistakable. I knew I had found the right one. :) Just have to harden it again. Tried camembert as well. And while most articles say it's a close cousin of brie, its slightly sourish taste puts me off a little. Brie is still better.