lighten up!
I think my depressive state is in part due to the lack of family presence with the absence of my mom and sis away on a luxurious holiday in tokyo. :( I miss having my mom ask me all sorts of random and irrelevant questions about my life, which I've always conveniently shooed away with the same old answers. I miss having my sis around, saying cute but stupid stuff, sharing about our lives, gossiping about our parents, friends, talking about our future... I miss the female presence in the family. :( On a lighter note though, my dad and I have been clicking well. We begin to talk more like friends rather than on an authority-subordinate platform. It is true that the older we get, the more we want to grow closer to our parents. Strange phenomenon.Comte cheese is good stuff! It's a hard cheese, and the combination of the sweet and nutty flavour sinks all over your tongue, creating quite an understated yet exhilarating sensation. Topping it off is the texture at the end. It has a rather sandy feel, which makes savouring it quite an interesting experience. But I think cambozola is still my favourite thus far. It has the best of both worlds - brie and blue cheese. :)