the usual issues
Sigh, it's been an eventful first two days of school. I've just discovered the huge pothole I have dug for myself by choosing to take a research paper on Trade in Asia. My tutor was certainly not the warm and friendly person I had envisaged (as to why on earth I thought that, I have no idea). But Securities Regulation was somewhat heartening, in a sense, since most of what my tutor was saying was generally a repeat of what I had learnt in Int'l Corporate Finance. Plus with constant input from my dad since young, I generally have a good sense of financial terms even with paying half attention. To avoid complacency though, I understand that having an interest and general knowledge may not amount to competent grades (which sadly is what school is about, somewhat), so just got to work harder. A pleasant surprise greeted me this morning as I found out that one of my afternoon classes was cancelled, so hooray, more time for me to read my notes (haha). Irritating itchy red spots have been appearing all over me for quite some time now, and I'm just praying that loratadine will do the trick; otherwise it's off to the doctor's for me (again, sigh). My body is just not receptive to the idea of having to study again.