good food galore
Jetlagging badly at the moment. It's 2.53am and I'm terribly awake. Slept till 10.30am this morning, had a brief nap (actually one and a half hour) in the afternoon, and now I'm absolutely awake. I've been eating non-stop too. I've no idea why people keep saying I lost weight. Granted I may have hiked like crazy during the holidays, but I ate equally a lot too. Lots of dairy products in fact. Every meal is almost always bread, cheese, milk, pasta, potato, wine... Carbohydrates-laden. There is the occasional meat (mostly pork), fish (mainly trout), soup, and of course, salads galore. I'm never one to eat uncooked veges (always felt like a cow eating grass), but since no one in europe cooks leaves, my main diet of roughage has to come from salad. Oh well. And did I forget to mention that I ate ice-cream at least every other day? Crepes, cones, tubs, you name it, I ate it. And now, I've gotten so used to eating whatever I want at whatever time, everytime my stomach yells hunger, I give in. Bad, bad, especially since there's no more hiking to keep the weight off, heh. But good food is such a heavenly life indulgence that one should never scrimp on.
The farmhouse we stayed in Lake Bohinj. Cooked soup on one of the days in the kitchenette. Sliced tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, onions, mushrooms, and with some pre-mix soup.
Trenta valley. A typical breakfast at one of the farms we stayed in. White one is goat's cheese, yellow one is home-made cheese (not sure about it being goat's) and ham.
Trenta. Fresh trout with potato. Yum. :)
Piran. This is by far the best seafood platter appetiser one can ask for. It tasted so light and fresh! The nearest fish to us is sardines. Going clockwise from there - squid, tuna, scallop, and in the middle is tuna paste (I think).
Piran. My dinner! Sole fish in mushroom sauce and potatoes. I love mushrooms, and mushroom sauce is just incredibly heavenly. Ooo...