growing up
"If it's a bad day, don't dwell on it. It's over. Wake up to a new tomorrow."I heard this on the radio last night, and my initial thought was, how silly. We can't live life from day to day, discounting the consequences from the events which took place today and pretend that they don't exist tomorrow. But as I reflect further on it, I realised that perhaps this statement did not necessarily mean escapism, but simply a reminder to take things easy. There's only so much one can plan, and a thousand and one other things that don't go according to it. Sometimes when it appears that everything in the day that could go wrong did, I just have to leave it at that - it's just a day. The only thing I can do is to sleep on it, put myself out of emotional distress, and wake up feeling calm and rational, ready to tackle what had happened the day before and make new plans accordingly.
People always say to see things in perspective, to look ahead, to think long term. In theory, it is sound; in practice, it works and I know because I'm always looking back and reminding myself of how far I've travelled in life. Yet I also know how hard it is to put theory into practice. When the day has only 24 hours, and the only milestones you're looking at in the day is wake-up time, breakfast, lunch, dinner and sleeping-time, it's hard to see whatever you do with the rest of your time will amount to anything substantial or significant in the future, if at all. To me, that is the scariest thought thus far.