bring me back to yesterday
Gmail is impressive.I was configuring my microsoft outlook to import my Gmail emails to it, and while sending/receiving, I chanced upon many of the old emails that were sent way back in 2004-2005. I read some of the emails that I wrote and felt thoroughly ashamed at the kind of language that I had used. Pompous, insensitive and presumptous (not all, but some). Still, it's not a pretty side of me. At the same time, these emails brought back a wealth of memories, and pictures couldn't stop streaming as I replayed the scenes of yesteryears in my mind. We were so happy and carefree then. No cares, no responsibilities, our only goal in life was to make merry. Sigh. The beginnings of youth, the friends I've made and subsequently lost contact with (sigh), the events and committees I was part of... All these I long, and miss. But the world doesn't stop changing on my account. I just have to deal with the loss of those good-old-days and embrace the tough reality.
Gmail is a good way to reflect. It keeps your self intact.