the race of life
The weeks are once again flying by. With barely a blink of an eye, it's already the end of the third week of plc. Truly it only heralds the beginning of heavier work to come. Honeymoon period is fast disappearing. Our heavenly days of chilling out for long stretch of hours are diminishing so steathily that they're gone even before we know it. It's like youth. I look back at my education days and remembered how it used to seem like forever to graduation, to working life. I struggled so hard during year 1 in uni that I never thought I will make it to year 4. But here I am, past the finishing line and onto the next race of my life. Where have all the days of initial struggles gone to? Spent on my youth. As I embark on the next journey, toiling through similar difficulties faced in any beginning, I remember my youthful days, those filled with pain and torture of being a complete and utter greenhorn, and I take comfort in the fact that one day this too will pass, and what I need to do now is simply to garner enough strength just to take the next step, and the next, and the next. I will reach the finishing line one day, it's only a matter of time. Don't drop out, don't be distracted, keep my mind on the prize, and run the race.Youth is not meant for enjoyment purposes; it's to give us the strength to overcome hardships that we may not, in our later years, have the willpower to do so anymore.