Friday, October 21, 2005

spot the difference

I'm a child of God.
Must constantly remind myself of that fact.

If you've never had hard wired springs stuck to your back muscles (the ones which control the arm movement), experience it through me. When I woke up this morning, every action my arm does is a pulling of the springs. It's almost as though the springs just desperately want to snap back to its original position and not let me do anything with my arms. The tiniest movement I make requires a great deal of strength, of which I am already seriously lacking. Even turning the steering wheel demands both hands, when I usually use only one. Imagine my day.

I have two very close friends, one christian and the other, a non-believer. I usually hesitate in sharing my difficulties with the latter because she would naturally assume that all problems I have ought to be solved through God instantaneously, and I didn't want to be that stumbling block. But tonight, I needed a listening ear, and after running through the list of the usual people, somehow my mind just decided to settle on her simply because she's in a position to understand what I'm going through. She was probably surprised to hear me this upset since a long time, because she seemed unsure of what to say, unlike her usual bubbly, quick-witted self. But deep down I know she understands and I know she cares, something which I'm truly grateful for. Even though she may be a non-believer, but given the fact that we've been together for so long, gone through so many experiences together, and in fact have very much the same basic personality and nature, there was no problem of her understanding me at all. Which brings me to my question, what's the difference then between telling a christian friend and non-christian friend your difficulties? Or is there?

I'm a child of God.