turn the table
I'm usually the type of person who overlooks minor flaws in people very easily. Which is why when someone brings up a complaint they have of another person, it usually takes me a while to register that, "oh, this person is actually being mean in this particular situation." or "oh, this person has certain xxx issues." Perhaps it's part of growing up that allows me to let such things slide off my back, even if other people do empathise the brunt for me. Am I mature to have let these things pass, or weak to have noticed and yet refrain from doing anything about it? But if it does not affect me in the long run, how weak can I be?Nobody's perfect. What is once thought good could be rotten, and what is once thought bad could turn out to be favourable. It just depends on the angle you're looking from. Makes life so much more interesting in our 3-D world, doesn't it? But it is also more challenging to live up to the standards that Jesus preaches.