must drive carefully
Nearly got into a car accident again. Sigh. I really need to constantly remind myself to slow down, don't overtake too quickly, don't cut into someone's lane too late, and most important, don't be complacent! :( Sigh.As I was heading to west mall in the evening, I drove in a turning-right lane which had heaps of vehicles all lined up, so I wanted to move left. And as I was going at a pretty fast pace and didn't want to slow down, I immediately clicked my left indicator and swerved to the left lane. I checked my left mirror before doing so and saw that a white toyota wish car was way behind. But somehow it suddenly geared up and came very close to me as I was changing lanes, making it almost impossible for me to move. It was at that split second that I had to decide whether to move left or stay in the lane as I was. But at the speed my car was going, I knew that I didn't had time to stop my car from banging the vehicles in the turning-right lane, so I just went ahead with turning left. The white toyota came to halt less than an inch away, and horned at me at its loudest. My heart jumped. I saw how close we came to metal-against-metal. It was by pure grace that I managed to escape the accident. The driver of the toyota wish car actually drove up beside me and wanted to talk to me, I think, but I kept my gaze squarely in front. It's only when the toyota drove further up, that I mustered some courage to turn and look at him, only to see him winding back up his window. Sigh.
Close shave, too close in fact. I need a constant reminder to drive carefully. I can't continue like this. Sigh. Please remind me to be a careful driver whenever you see me. :) I would greatly appreciate it. :) :)