stress level abnormal
I'm very pleased with my attention span in class today. For the first time, I didn't tune out of people's presentations. In fact, I was earnestly paying attention to what they had to say, and could actually follow what they were getting at.Today's topic was on derivatives. And, for those who have taken a course of finance, you would have appreciated the level of difficulty in understanding all the various terms. It was, and I quote from my favourite tutor ;p, "a completely different language" altogether. It was alien. Which was why I took extra effort to understand the readings. Ordinarily, I would just skim through to get the main gist, but this time round, I read into every word just so I could understand perfectly what forwards, futures, options, spots, swaps, equity swaps, interest rate swaps, etc are. And I'm glad that at least now I have a rather firm idea on what all these terminology mean. Heh.
Having an allergic reaction now. My entire back till the back of my thighs are filled with itchy spots. Thankfully they're tiny ones, so I know it isn't major. But the itchiness really irritates the hell out of me. And anti-histamine tablets aren't helping. :( Sigh. I'm thinking it's either something I ate, or my stress level has just gone over its limit.