passing notes
You know you've reached the peak of modernisation when your friend smses you in class even though you're only two metres away. And it's not even a serious urgent question. It goes, "eh, are you really paying attention or just daydreaming? coz you look dazed staring at your notes." Argh.. I couldn't help but smile at the frivolous message. This is the high-tech way of passing notes in class, almost undetectable by the tutor. ;) Welcome to the new age, people.Managed to do some catching up with some of my old friends yesterday. Gosh, it's been such a while since I last saw or spoke to them. Some of them looked really weathered from the stresses of this semester. All of us were in agreement that never in our entire law school lives had we worked as hard as this semester. The amount of assignments and projects strewn our way is simply unbelievable. But I guess we can take comfort in the solidarity of the legal life we sold ourselves to, heh.