Monday, November 06, 2006


Weeks are flying by so quickly. It's already the beginning of november, the month that smells of exams. Ew. Finally completed my FIVE essays this semester. I felt like I've just written an entire storybook, heh. I can't believe I actually survived them. Hm, have I really? Am I still the same old serena or have I gone a bit bonkers?

Just today, my friend seriously pissed me off. I was feeling very tired and wanted to have lunch in school instead of walking to serene centre. Besides I had work to do too before my next lesson. But my friend tried to persuade me to make the walk to serene centre but I firmly held my ground. I emphasised how tired and sleepy I was. And what happened next was totally unexpectedly rude. He pinched me, first softly then harder and harder until it was so painful that I shouted, "Oww!" He said it was on the pretext of waking me up. ARGH. I was so angry that I just had to hit back at him. I just literally shouted at him and asked what was his problem. He saw the change in my attitude and offered his arm to me so that I could pinch him back. But of course I refused. And I told him straight off if he wanted to go to serene centre, he can go by himself, because I'm definitely staying put. In the end, he stayed behind to lunch with me. But I was quite angry. He's one of those with no social graces and increasingly it is something I cannot tolerate. I'm contemplating whether I should still hang out with him because we sorta belonged to the same social circle, and it's difficult not to. But I don't want to subject myself to such un-gentlemanliness and ungracious behaviour anymore. Just because I close one eye and one ear to your filthy words and ungainly ways does not mean I can be taken advantaged of. If I need to, I will lash out at you once more.