the ravages of time
Time is merciless.Just returned from malaysia. I had accompanied my dad to visit his old classmate, and he was telling me how much he couldn't recognise him because it was some 30 years ago since they last met up. I was surprised because I thought his friend looked young for his age, so there should be some resemblance to his younger self. During dinner, my dad suddenly decided to rummage through our photo cupboard and brought out his old photos, whereupon he produced evidence which proved just how much his friend had morphed. Needless to say, I was completely blown away by the difference. Indeed, my dad's friend looked nothing like his younger photos. See what time does to youth.
After dinner, the three of us (dad, mum and me) sat ourselves on the sofa, with my dad in the middle holding the album, giving us a commentary on each and every photo. I saw the younger photos of my aunts (and how pretty they were last time!), photos of my uncles (the young hunks posing confidently) and of course, younger photos of my dad and mum (this was the shocker!). Admittedly this was not the first time I've seen their younger photos, but still! My mom had such high cheekbones when she smiled and my dad was quite the looker, haha. They really did look like the perfect couple. It's just mind-blowing to know how time has wore them down. Beauty truly does come from simply being young.
Sometimes it's weird knowing that your parents are human too. They dated, they fell in love, got married, and had us. Nevertheless, it is still reassuring to know that nothing you do wrong now (or in the past) will ever really have a very major impact on you in the future. Life just goes on. It may seem too big to bear now, but really, 30 years down the road, no one remembers, and no one cares. The only thing that matters is being with your family and loved ones. My parents have survived their days of youth, and they are happy now. That's enough.
I wonder how I will look like in 30 years' time though. Heh, it's a scary thought.