growing sadder
Everyday as I trudge to school, I am reminded of how I am taking one step closer to reaching the end of my education life. 6+4+2+4 = 16 years in this Singapore education system. Much as I grunt and groan at having to mug for tests and examinations, and writing a gazillion essays, there's an indescribable sense of loss at leaving something which I've grown to love and endure. I know that the times I'm going to miss are those memorable ones spent with my kindred souls. We laughed together, we stressed together. Everyday we complain, everyday we endure, everyday we smile at one another. :) These are the mercy sprinkling of precious little trinkets of happiness found in this highly-stressful education system, and I'm not ready to let go of them just yet. I just played pool with my friends at the lounge today, and for those few minutes, I cease to worry about my impending essay and just fully indulge in the game. Pool is one of my favourite activities, and I had made my good friends through this shared interest. There is the usual thrash-talking around the table, but we all know it is done in good fun. This intangible love we share for pool begets our innate understanding for each other. These are the memories I'm going to look back in the future, and smile and tear at the same time.