Sunday, March 04, 2007

warming up

And so, without any prior warning, I had to be on stage in front of hundreds of pairs of eyes. Due to some last minute hiccups, Joseph couldn't find any youth to read the scripture text for today, and in the end, he decided that he will just walk into the auditorium and get the first facilitator he sees. Lucky me. On one hand, I was extremely thrilled at the opportunity to practise my public speaking, yet on the other, I know I am SO bad at it that I was just praying not to make a fool of myself. I'm happy to report that it went well, and other people thought so too! I guess the real key is to speak slowly and deliberately. Thankfully my nerves didn't rankle that much. A sign of things to come? *crosses fingers* Two more school presentations this semester. Hopefully those go well.