5 weird and random facts
Well, not intending to catch on to this game. In the midst of studying now and too tired to think of 5 people to pass this on to. But here goes anyway (and I'll try to think of weird things as much as possible):1. weird. I subconsciously talk to myself. This is especially so when I'm either deep in thought (can't figure out a particular argument or concept) , plain frustrated at some of the things in life (eg, car in front moving too slowly, people taking their own sweet time jaywalking in which case I speed up at them, can't find a particular thing, etc), or just bewildered (eg, "eh? how come this is like that?"). Only realised this idiosyncrasy when my sister pointed it out to me. Guess it's a natural outlet for my thoughts and feelings.
2. weird. Whenever I prepare to go out, I have to switch on the radio. It just makes dressing up more fun. And if Class 95 plays a very disco music, I just have to dance to it. Sometimes I dance in front of the mirror to see how my body moves to the music, so that I can better my moves. Shake your bon bon! (ok this is embarrassing).
3. weird and random. My sleeping position is one leg straight, the other leg bent, with one arm over my head, and the other hugging my pillow at the side. I can either face the ceiling, or face half-side and half-downwards maintaining that position. It's my all-time favourite sleeping position. :)
4. random. I'm a control freak. I need to have my life everything under my control, which is why sometimes submitting to the authority of God is very difficult for me. This requires loads of prayer and lots of trust in God.
5. random. I've suffered from hyperthyroidism since I was 9 years old. It's hereditary, but nothing to be alarmed about. But it also explains why I'm exceptionally sensitive to changes in my body, for instance excessive sweating, weak stamina, weight loss, and even my bowel movements. When it swings from constipation to mild diarrhoea, that's when my alarm bells start ringing. I've already gone for the radioactive iodine treatment, and currently under monitoring stage.
Alright, there you go. Nothing outrageously new, I hope. :)