look ahead
After days of living off a false sense of security, the sense of urgency and total ignorance has finally sunk in, and I'm beginning my last few weeks of hard labour before the finale. It's seriously hard to study (even for two papers) after having struggled through a whole semester of writing and researching. But on the bright side, I have finally conquered my fear of writing papers and even enjoy research papers. Somehow there is so much more certainty in the final product, knowing that you had taken your time to read up and tidy up your grammar, sentence structure whatnot. You also learn so much more because of the in-depth study. I can only hope for the same enthusiasm in the next semester, seeing how most of my choices are research papers.Anyhow, I've been waiting for today to finally write this. Remember how at the beginning of the semester I had lamented my module selection, and having to end up with theoretical foundations of crim law, which is something I would never have expected myself to take? I regret my words. I thoroughly enjoyed the course, learning the ways of the criminal mind and delving into a bit of psychology and philosophy instead of the usual hard substantive law. The fact that it's non-examinable made it all the more attractive. Plus, I've grown much closer to the year 4s who took the same module. All in all, I learnt that God indeed has a reason for putting me at a particular position at a particular time. I feel smarter coming out of the course, haha. Oh yeah, and I waited till today because it is today that the course officially ended.