Wednesday, April 18, 2007

gearing up

"Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I'd stay up and think of you..."

One of my all-time favourite songs. Deep rich melody. Lulls me into a mellow, pensive mood.

It's been an intensive past four days with non-stop reading and massive feeding of information into my head and sadly, it doesn't look like it's going to slow down anytime soon. Sigh. Yes, what's new. It's exam period again. Seven cycles of it have numbed me to the stress; I'm too tired to be frantic. Have decided to just stick to my schedule and hope for the best. Appetite has definitely increased. I feel a lot more voracious more frequently, and because my house is not exactly well-stocked, I usually end up wandering aimlessly around the same few places looking for food. Opening the different levels of the fridge, looking at the bar-table for munchies, scanning the main dining table for leftover chinese new year goodies... A vagabond in my own home, heh.