Monday, December 26, 2005


I went to the Ministry of Sound last night. It was an illuminating experience.

I received a message from nicol yesterday afternoon, asking if I wanted to go to MoS at night. Apparently you can get free entry as long as you flash your sms invite at the door. And since I haven't gone to any party for the entire year, I jumped at the opportunity. Plus he was willing to pick me up and bring me back home, so that's a great incentive too. :) Three of his friends joined us as well, one of which a minister's son. Heh.

Perhaps an internal change has taken place within me. What seemed like exotic fun in the beginning didn't quite turn out the sensational experience that I had expected. And this is particularly strange since this is not the first time I've been to a club. I have mainly 2 thoughts:

1. As I stood on the second level, looking down and watching the people dance crazily amidst bright flashing white lights which flickered so quickly that every action seemed to slow down, one word appeared in my mind - debauchery. I said to myself, this is a place of pure debauchery. And at that moment, I wondered what in the world I was doing there.

2. Whenever a piece of good music comes on, with thumping rhythms and familiar lyrics, people start jumping and waving their hands in their air, singing the words of the songs with such enthusiasm and gusto. And at that moment, scenes of our worship flashed through my mind. This feels all too familiar, I thought.

I left the place with a heavy heart, and sober reflections of whether what I was doing was truly in tandem with God's ways. I believe, strictly speaking, that partying is not a wrong per se, but the kind of environment it is set in coupled with the questionable crowd teeters on the fine line between right and wrong. Perhaps it's not always doing the right or neutral thing that is important; it is keeping away from the things that could possibly push you over to the edge of the dark side that is more significant.

A change of heart rather than a change of perception is the more powerful player in my tussle.