i wish i was a pig
It's been a very pleasant day with fantastic weather. :)It's 8.53pm and I've not completed a single one of my christmas cards nor have I done any research for my bible study, which was my supposed plan for today. Instead, I literally slept the day away. Woke up at the lovely hour of 10am, had breakfast at 10.30am, lazed around switching channels and reading the newspapers before eating again at 12.30pm. Heh, yeah I was too full to eat actually, but just had a little bite. Then it's off to take a nap again. :) Slept from 1.30pm till around 3.30pm when my best friend called to chat. Yeah, I had earlier messaged her in the morning to chat with me about some issue, so we had a nice chat. We put down the phone at 5pm, and I decided to go back to sleep. Lazed around in bed till 6.30pm before deciding that this was too piggy. Then it's tv and dinner.
Yes, what a nice, lovely, piggy day. And now I have to account to my partner in bible study why I've been so lazy and he's been doing all the work. Haha.