an outlet
I've acquired a new skill - speed reading.For the past 2 days, I've done nothing but read and read and read. And because there is so much material to cover, I literally train my eyes to just skim over the words very quickly, letting whatever my brain could process in that millisecond to sink in. And I know I'm absorbing stuff when after 13 hours of such reading, my brain starts to feel very full and tired. At the moment, I could actually continue to finish my notes because I'm very much awake, but my brain is begging me to stop. It has peaked its capacity. Which is also the reason why I feel the urge to write. The way information penetrated so quickly into my head is far too dangerous for it to remain that way. My brain needs to stop taking in and start being used for a healthy balance.
Okay, my brain feels better now. I can feel it breathing more normally. :) Before that, it was on the brink of insanity.