crazy dream
I'm in one of those denial phases.I'm beginning to think I'm actually not really prepared at all for exams, but have been falsely led to believe that I am. I don't know where this sense of belief came from or how I am going to eradicate it, or whether I am even going to. SIGH. Just today, I felt absolutely no guilt from having slept from 1.30-4pm for my regular afternoon nap. It was an amazing sleep, and I had the most spectacularly incredible dream ever. It was so nonsensical.
I was living on a farm in a village, and there were villains on an animal-rampage, killing cattle with a quick poke of their rakes. It was deadly and no one could stop them. The villagers were panicky and terrified. I suggested to them that they keep their cattle in the sheds and put plastic bottles (the 1.5 litre kind) outside to trick the villains into thinking the bottles were actually the cattle (don't ask me why). For some strange reason, the villagers followed my suggestion and those villains actually bought it. From behind the windows, we saw them raking the plastic bottles viciously as if they were the real animals.
When they finally discovered the trick, they plotted to take revenge and the villagers became anxious again. This time, I suggested that we bring the cattle to the nearby school and hide them there, and at the same time we could give the students an educational lesson on cows. We brought the cows to the main corridor and strangely, the cows began to moo loudly and four of them (clearly the leaders) started to stand on their hindfeet and put up a most ridiculous dance and pose. All of us just stood there watching as if it was perfectly normal, and gradually even the villagers joined in the "party". There was great cheering and music and everyone was having a whale of a time. Just then, the villains entered the corridor. All partying stopped and the cows, villagers and school children quickly disappeared into the doors on either side of the corridor. The place was empty and pitch-silent. I was hiding in one of the rooms, atop a bunk bed, hoping against hope the door wouldn't open. But as luck would have it, it did and in walked one of the villains. He looked at me and asked why I was in school. And for the life of me I didn't know why I answered, "I'm having chemistry lessons." He looked at me and asked again, "Chemistry lessons? Are you sure?" And I bravely repeated (amidst the quivering of my voice), "Yes, chemistry lessons. I take chemistry, so of course I must attend chemistry lessons. " And he went, "Oh." And left the room.
Eventually I escaped by climbing out of the window of one of my friends' rooms, but I had forgotten my glasses. Instead, I was wearing a pair of gigantic sunglasses with no degree and everything was a blur to me. I remembered thinking to myself whether I should risk going back to my friend to get my glasses or should I just push on with my escape, but I figured I wasn't going to escape far with blurry vision. So back I went and asked my friend to retrieve my spectacles. She came back with a toy pail and shovel, the kind you bring to the beach to play with. I looked at them questioningly. Then another friend of mine (who suddenly happened to be beside me) said, "Spectacles! Not sand particles!" "Ohh..." said my friend, and went back to get my real glasses. Then I woke up.