With the passing of the horrific experience of speaking in public, this week's looking to be yet another relaxing one. For once, I've not planned a single thing. My hols are, thankfully, not looking like a major timetable with social appointments and deadlines to meet. There is, virtually, no concept of day or night because I've all the time in the world. Late nights, late mornings, long afternoon naps, lovely reads with no end.
Never let anyone control your diet. Promise.
go away, stage!
I've been a blubbering idiot on stage, but what's new? ;)
Today's the sunday that our ya promotional plus mission trip videos were screened to the congregation. Darryl was to give a short presentation on our ya group in general, while nicol and I were tasked to give our testimonies on the trip. I literally spent the entire week frantically worrying, not about what to say, but how much of a fool I would make of myself up there. Seriously, speaking in public is my greatest nightmare. I know it sounds absolutely ironic coming from a lawyer-to-be (so says everyone), but it's simply not in my nature to stand up in front of a crowd and say something intelligent so spontaneously. I rather be spared the harsh glares of people intently scrutinising you, even if it's just a warped perception of mine. Anyhow, I think it was quite evident in the 9am service that my voice was trembling. The second time round at the 11am one went much better, as seconds usually do.
Watching the videos bring back such great memories. Sigh.
happy days...
The last two days have been most memorable. :)
Last night's YA party was yet another success. :) It was our monthly get-together and dinner was held at my place. A birthday surprise was in store for our dear darryl who's turning 21 soon. But the unfolding of the story was hilarious. While I was trying to prepare the candles as steathily as I could, with daren's and john's help, kaypo darryl came by and saw what I was doing, and I thought the surprise was blown. But quick-thinking john hurriedly said to him, "Shh, shh, it's adrian's birthday." And for the life of me, I couldn't understand why he bought it! ;) But that's not it. While daren and I were carrying the cake to the table, darryl whispered to daren, "Help me blow out the candles too. My birthday is on tuesday. " It was all daren and I could do to keep ourselves from doubling over in fits of laughter. Truly it only takes an innocent but very thick-skinned person to say that. ;) He was in genuine amazement that the cake was for him. When his comment was finally made known to the rest of the group, everyone was hysterical for a good 10 minutes before composure was regained.
Taboo thereafter was equally ache-inducing. It can really reveal a person's innermost thoughts. ;)
Word: "regular"
Darryl: When you sign on the army, you are a...?
John: Loser!
Everyone burst into helpless laughter. We just held our sides for yet another 10 minutes before we could continue the game. It was just so unexpectedly amusing that staid john could actually come up with a word like that! ;) Adrian just eyeballed him mischievously, and said, "Now I know what you are
really thinking..." Sigh. I love these bunch of people. :)
An outing with my sc friends this afternoon brought us to a very relaxing and european activity - picnic at botanics. ;) We met up first to buy our groceries (foccacia bread, lettuce, tuna, sausages, cheeses(!!), etc) and returned to michelle's place to prepare our lovely sandwiches before moving off again. After choosing a cosy spot near the symphony stage, we laid out our mats and tucked in happily to our lunch. :) Thereafter was just pure enjoyment of the scenic greenery, taking in fresh air and the sights and sounds of little children joyously savouring their childhood, and of course, each other's company. My personal favourite was just laying down on my back, with my eyes fixed towards the clear blue sky, staring deeply at the beautiful wispy clouds gently moving and transforming their lovely form into shapes that ignited my fertile imagination. Occasionally I closed my eyes and, with soothing background noises, let my mind take me to distances beyond. It was so peaceful and relaxing, I wish I could remain there forever.
On another cheese note, I finally found the cheese that gave me that on-air feeling in france. It's called bresse bleu, but due to the heat, the cheese was half-melted when we arrived at botanics. It was slightly disappointing, but nevertheless, the taste was unmistakable. I knew I had found the right one. :) Just have to harden it again. Tried camembert as well. And while most articles say it's a close cousin of brie, its slightly sourish taste puts me off a little. Brie is still better.
It was, perhaps, an oversight on my part in readily believing that the company of people cannot provide me, in some way, comfort. There's something about friends that I can't quite pinpoint, that makes you feel safe and keeps your mind healthy. Perhaps it's the sound of their voices and idle chatter that lures my overactive mind away from recurring thoughts and unwanted emotions. Yet this notion of continual gatherings does not square with the concept of independence that I've always believed in being able to survive in solitude. A balance must be struck? While no one is truly dependable, no man is an island either.
lighten up!
I think my depressive state is in part due to the lack of family presence with the absence of my mom and sis away on a
luxurious holiday in tokyo. :( I miss having my mom ask me all sorts of random and irrelevant questions about my life, which I've always conveniently shooed away with the same old answers. I miss having my sis around, saying cute but stupid stuff, sharing about our lives, gossiping about our parents, friends, talking about our future... I miss the female presence in the family. :( On a lighter note though, my dad and I have been clicking well. We begin to talk more like friends rather than on an authority-subordinate platform. It is true that the older we get, the more we want to grow closer to our parents. Strange phenomenon.
Comte cheese is good stuff! It's a hard cheese, and the combination of the sweet and nutty flavour sinks all over your tongue, creating quite an understated yet exhilarating sensation. Topping it off is the texture at the end. It has a rather sandy feel, which makes savouring it quite an interesting experience. But I think cambozola is still my favourite thus far. It has the best of both worlds - brie and blue cheese. :)
crazy me
This is too teary for me.
The last few episodes of The Gateau Affairs had me tearing like mad. The love between the lead male and female characters was simply so strong and unconventional, full of sensitivity and humour. Above all, it had overcome all previous hurt they had dealt each other and survived even the bleakest of situations. Beautiful cakes were made, even more beautiful words were exchanged. Truly a show to behold.
I'm going to miss tearing.
The solitude is fast losing its attraction. Thoughts which were designed to bring me happiness turned out to be a double-edged sword, and only served to re-emphasise my deepest pleas. So much for a peace of mind. Have my thoughts stealthily atrophied my sanity? Have I become enslaved to an emotional diatribe created by a deceptively quiet surrounding? Why is it that the more I search for tranquility, the more deafening the voices in my head become? What is happening...
A showdown of every possible tactics in badminton. ;)
Never have I seen such a vast exhibition of plays and tactics on one court before. All three of my friends demonstrated distinct yet equally powerful strokes and smashes that it left me amazed. It was truly a beautiful game. Seldom do I get the chance to pit myself against such talent. Heh.
It was a last minute decision to include my friends. Initially it was just my church friend, nicol, and myself. Then my law friend, jason, suddenly said he could make it. So I scrambled to find a fourth player, and thought of my hc classmate, mh, since he had mentioned in a previous class outing that he was interested. So there we have it - three of my friends of different ages, different schools, and (as I was about to discover) very diverse types of play. Apprehension gripped me in the beginning at the thought of putting together friends from uncommon social groups, but I forget that badminton is a universal game. :)
I was very used to nicol's style of play, which consists chiefly of smashes and high, farback shots such that jason's frequent dropshots took me by surprise. I literally had to empty my mind and refill it with jason's play in order to anticipate with some degree of accuracy where the shuttlecock was heading. Didn't had much of a chance to spar with mh, but his backhand was not too bad.
Doubles. And sad to say, I'm the weak link. :( Any of my friends who doubled up with me lost. :( But hey, give the girl a chance! ;p This was the part where the true game began. I finally understood what forward-backward play, use of space, and covering your partner's ass when he can't get the shuttlecock means. The tacit understanding between the two players must transcend verbal communication in order to create a most delightful game. :) There were quite a number of good rallies at some point.
Playing with higher standard has undoubtedly revealed glaring flaws in my play, but it has also improved my agility and reaction time. I asked jason what my greatest flaw was in badminton, and he said while I was good at returning the shuttlecock, I don't appear to plan where it was going. Some strategy ought to be involved when returning. I agree wholeheartedly. Many a times the shuttlecock came hurtling at me with such speed (especially when it's a smash) that I count myself good at just being able to hit it over.
I daresay this was the most highly-tactical game I've ever played. And I loved and enjoyed every single moment of it. I only wish that subsequent games could be as riveting and mind-blowing as this. My muscles have been stretched beyond its wildest comprehension.
true elation!
Day one of me-time is a complete success. :)
Spent a day of pure heavenly shopping by myself. First stop, borders. Tried to hunt for Mere Christianity, but even the salesgirl couldn't find it. :( Then the travel section caught my eye, and I was immediately drawn towards it. For some strange reason, I have a recent attraction towards books which stretches my heart and mind beyond tiny singapore. I simply love reading about other countries, their way of life, their culture, their rich history, their lovely architecture... It paints romantic stories of how people live before this age. It allows me to whisk myself away to another world and another era, and transcend this mindless reality of a rat race that I am unfortunately trapped in. Sigh. I caved in and bought two such books. Can't wait, can't wait to read them. :)
Next stop, queensway. Been wanting to get sports wear for a long while. So I indulged. By far my best buy was a pair of running shoes from nike. It not only provides my feet with extreme comfort, it has a pretty exterior and good value for money. I tried on several pairs from various shops, but none to my feet's taste. But the moment my feet sank itself into this particular pair of shoes, I knew this was the one. When your feet and shoes become one in spirit, you know this is the pair your feet wants to marry. I bought it on the spot, and I didn't regret. I don't even have to wonder if I had missed opportunities by committing so early; I just knew this was it. Took it for a test-run in the evening, and it amazingly lives up to its first impression. ;) I was never a believer of good-shoes = good-runs, but I am now. :)
Last stop, kap. I've been craving for digestive biscuits for a while, particularly the sunshine brand. So imagine my elation at having found the treasure of all times when I spotted that familiar box with that oh-so-deliciously-yummy biscuits inside! To add to my happiness was the tag which said "Buy one get one free" (this is so singaporean, ;p). But yep, my tastebuds are having a treat tomorrow morning. Yes!
Now to sink myself into delicious me-time reading. :)
Happiness washes over me like a joyous spring. :)Hurray, it's the beginning of a beautiful me-time week. :) I've already laid out all my plans
sui-sui on my little post-it note. Can't wait to embark on it. ;)
Finally satisfied my cheesecake craving last friday by making the "pilgrimage" to siglap area with my sis to try out this apparently famous place called The Cheesecake Cafe. Its signature cake is the peach cheesecake with jelly in between, but I stupidly ordered the one without! Argh, still haven't forgiven myself for that. My sis tried the cheesecake of the week which was custard cheesecake. Hers was the kind I really like - thick, full cheese which surreptitiously melts in your mouth if you take the time to savour it slowly, whereas my cake has a lighter cheese taste, and the flavour of the peach comes out more strongly than the cheese. It depends on individual preferences, really. My sis prefers my cake, while I like hers, heh.

Yep, there's the peach cheesecake without the jelly. :(
Pictures of food tantalises my tastebuds so, and always makes me hungry. :(
Sigh. The familiar rise of anxious feelings come by again. It's hard not to worry.
I wonder if people will ever understand or appreciate the reason that "I'm very tired" as a valid one not to go out or interact with them. Sometimes, socialising takes such a toll on me that I just want to retreat to my third floor, and rest my tired head against a soft cushion and close my eyes and think happy thoughts. Or just pick up the newspapers or a book and read to my heart's content. In essence, I simply want to be alone. Is that such a difficult idea to comprehend?
Anyhow, having expended so much energy this entire week, I'm really looking forward to complete and utter me-time next week! :) Can't wait.
living beyond..
I've been thinking way too much, sigh. It's almost as if I refuse to live in the cold, harsh reality and only want to exist happily in my thoughts... If only I could transcend and stay there forever...
this is so cheesy
I've developed a recent love for cheese. It's france, la. You cannot truly appreciate the flavourfulness of cheese until you try the french cheeses. It's absolutely tantalising. I like the hard cheeses for its texture and mild, understated flavour, topping it off with the crunchy rind. I like the soft cheeses for the dual-texture of the hardness of the outer white pencillin and the tenderness of the cheese in between. And don't get me started on blue cheese. I don't know how the french does it, but there's one particular blue cheese which I tried which was so good that I was simply high after eating it. There's a strong pungent smell that goes up your nose and makes you feel like you're floating on air. Inexplicably good.
Ever since I came back, I was just drawn towards the sight of cheese. And I've been buying them too. But somehow the cheeses here can't replicate the taste of the french cheeses. :( Oh well. And I know my dad has been "stealing" my cheese too, as I see them depleting rapidly even when I don't touch them for a few days. Heh, guess he, too, has been bitten by the cheese-bug. But it's nice to have a father-daughter shared interest. ;)
What did I have for dessert? Two types of cheeses - german cambozola (blue cheese), tomato and basil brie (yum!), banana, longans, mango and liquor chocolate. The badminton and netball better be holding me up these few days, heh.
yummy dinner!
Feeling strangely at ease. Maybe it's because I finally got the answer I wanted, and my fears have disappeared. I'm so thankful. :)
I'm still feeling absolutely full from last night's dinner. It was too sumptous to resist. ;) There was salad doused in the sweetest sauce imaginable, brazilian rice (with broccoli, prawn and oh-my-gosh cashew nuts!), spaghetti, roasted chicken, ox-tail stew and prawns. For dessert, there was heavily-laced-with-three-types-of-alcohol tiramisu and banana cake. And of course, how can we forget the essential fibre - banana, longans and pomelo. I just had to eat at least one serving of everything. Every dish was simply in its best condition. I relish at the mere thought of it. And now, more than 24 hours later, my stomach is still digesting it. My body understands the maxim that good food needs time to be savoured properly. :)
where's the break
Ever wondered how your life seems to automatically fill up, even when you don't plan anything in advance? Argh. Things just happily crop up. Even before the week has begun, I already know that I've to be out of the house at least once everyday, from tomorrow till next sunday. This is supposed to be my precious hols! :( It's very disgusting, especially when my body is still yelling at me to get some respite from all the commitments I'm juggling. I haven't had a day to myself where I can simply just forget about work and do something I really want, like read, like reflect, like meditate, like daydream..
One of my big projects this week is an upcoming interbank netball tournament, of which my mom has asked me to coach her colleagues. This is massive to me. One, it's been eons since I last played netball (captain's ball not counted); two, my fitness level is in question; three, it's one thing to know the rules, but an entirely different matter to teach them. There are so many aspects of netball to learn. To make these newbies understand the game as well as play together and win is simply too mammoth a task. And I've only 2 sessions to prep them up. Sigh. But at the same time, I'm filled with a sense of joyous excitement at being in touch with netball again. Somehow it just recollects those faint memories of me running on the court, catching and intercepting the ball and passing it to my teammates. Sigh. Just going to give tomorrow's practice into God's hands.
Without question, I need God's strength to get through this week. I'm feeling so tired already.
too many worried feelings tonight. my heart is churning painfully within. grant me that solitary answer that will ease my worries. please.
the debate
I don't understand why predominantly english-speaking people will always think they have an edge over predominantly chinese-speaking ones when their levels of intellect could be exactly the same, if not more for the chinese-speaking people. It's a stereotype fed into the minds of the snobbish that because their language is recognised more internationally, the ideas they generate are generally better, or the things they talk about are more intellectually stimulating. It's a myth. I've seen dumb english-speaking people, and equally intelligent chinese-speaking ones. The bias has to stop. Starting from me.
smiles :)
Windows Movie Maker is seriously the bomb. I never knew how exciting being a film director can be. It's amazing how you can direct the order of the pictures, put in your little comments here and there, make the pictures tell a story, add different kinds of music for different effects... I'm quite enamoured with this powerful tool. Was trying to make a movie for my trip and put in little anecdotes as well, but whoa, they are way too many pictures. It's going to take some time. Oh well. At least it can be my little project for now. Much better than a journal, heh.
There are simply too many desserts at home at the moment. After a meal, I always have to rack my brains to choose what to eat. There's fruits (apple, banana, mango), frozen cheesecake, banana cake, apple pie ice cream from island cremery, liquor chocolate and three types of cheeses. I think my primary motivation for eating the main course is simply to prepare my stomach for what's to come. The better food. :) One cannot truly enjoy life if one were to count calories all the time. Everything in moderation is the key.
I'm feeling quite happy these days. :) Life is abundant.
make cake
Finally, my one singular day of rest tomorrow. Going out is great and all, but sometimes I just need timeout in my safe haven for me to recollect my thoughts and emotions, and simply let my entire being recuperate. I don't understand how people can ever be energised by more people (read: extroverts). Social gatherings just drain my energy like crazy. If I could, I would want to stay at home for long periods and just have a me-and-my-book day, or a me-and-my-bed day. That would be absolutely lovely... :) And of course, outstanding commitments are just staring into my face, waiting for me to clear them. Sigh, sigh.
I was craving for cheesecake on sunday afternoon, and after watching a hongkong serial on channel 55 about this cooking show, and how this guy made the softest, most delectable cheesecake ever, I could no longer take it and told myself by hook or by crook, I'm gonna get myself some cheesecake. And I ended up making one, haha. ;p My sis was having the exact same craving, so with the help of my mom, we made a frozen fruity blueberry cheesecake. In my opinion, it tastes more like ice cream cake than cheesecake. But in any case, it's very therapeutic to know that something you've made is actually edible. :)

It's quite nice to eat, actually. :) :)
how can work and play co-exist in my mind
Buckling down to work is never easy, especially when memories of sweet hols linger just a week ago, and sleeping late and whole afternoons in this terribly hot weather seems far more tempting than serious thinking. But I'm glad that tomorrow's questions for oc are done; my brain feels somewhat accomplished. Now to get on to the rest of the nitty-gritty affairs.
Sigh, more wondrous beauties.

View of mountains in the distance on one of the trails. Pretty high up from here. :)

River. I like the rock formations on the far right, how the water falls from one basin to another. :)

A beautiful body of water in the midst of mountains. Look at how straight the pine trees are!

View of interlocking valleys. :)

Coastal area, adriatic sea. Clear blue waters.
give me air to breathe
Busy, busy, busy. I haven't had a moment to myself ever since I returned from the europe trip. No time to recover from jetlag, launched straight into pupillage applications, intensive catching-up sessions with friends... It's endless. Everyday there always seems to be something to do, somebody to meet, commitments to be responsible for... It's a crazy lifestyle. I so miss the laidback culture back in europe where people simply stroll casually along the streets, and that every 10 metres there's an ice cream parlour, and every 10 persons there's someone ravenously licking up that oh-so-delicious ice cream and genuinely enjoying life instead of worrying about weight... Good food is always a sight to behold, pretty flowers adorn the streets and balconies, and tall strong green trees provide the shade and comfort that all humans need.
Back here, the first thing I encounter is the typical rat race, and then have all sorts of people hounding me for this-and-that, meeting up and whatnot, and sometimes home isn't always the friendliest place either. I'm so worn out that I just need that single day of rest where I can sleep and recuperate, and regain some control over my mental health. I need time for sleep, I need time to read, I need time to reflect. Grant me that precious few.
marrying my future away
After yesterday's traumatic experience of a pupillage application, I began to come up with all sorts of analogies to describe this process. Eventually, I figured this is most like speed-dating, where you go on consecutive "dates" to suss out your options, except that at the end of it, you need to find a partner and make the commitment within a span of few days. Can you imagine that?
All the firms are wooing the students, and all the students are waiting to be wooed (in some sense). The students cast out the net, waiting to see which firm will take the bait. A few would call, and then the student would go and meet his/her prospective spouse and they will size each other up to see if they are suitable for each other. If the firm likes what it sees, it makes an offer on the spot. Then the student goes back and considers the offer. A very popular student would get offers from 3 or 4 firms, and he/she has then to decide which firm best suits his/her needs in the long run. Sometimes it's less straightforward. One firm may make an offer first, and if the student is afraid that he/she might be left on the shelf with no other prospective suitors making similar offers, he/she may take the first one that comes. Then it's too late to regret when other more attractive firms make the call later. It's like marrying your future away. It's commitment without given the chance to fully assess your options. Sigh.
Life is full of what-ifs. What if I hadn't said yes so early? What if someone better comes along? What if I made the wrong choice? What if I regret? I realised it's all about timing. If someone responds to your whims first, then naturally both will end up together. If you had your eye on someone else earlier, but the person took too long to respond favourably, it's just a lost chance. You've made the commitment already, you shouldn't regret.
At least this is only pupillage. It's not marriage.
praying to no end
This has got to be the most stressful and irritating of all days in my entire law school life. The day of pupillage applications.
Right from the start, at an ungodly hour of 8am, you see streams of law students smartly dressed in white and black with a snifty blazer hung around their arms, walking around the raffles/shenton way area, delivering hordes of envelopes to the various law firms. After which the more stressful part awaits - the phone calls. One can see groups of law students sitting together, outwardly appearing calm and cool but inwardly suffering in extreme anxiety, hands tightly clutching that precious little thing called the cellphone, hoping against hope that some kind law firm would call them up for that one minute of fame of an interview. Sigh. The envy that eats into one when others seem to have interviews after interviews and offers after offers will kill you to no end. It's literally a crazy dog-eat-dog world out there, in the flesh. Everybody's applying to the same few firms, and with such few spots, it's inevitable that some claws will be snapped at the lucky (better?) few. Sigh. Oh well. I just pray fervently that the firm I want offers me. :( Then this nightmare will be over.
Pray for me. Sigh.
flowers (iii)
The last batch. :)

At a botanical garden near Trenta. Another one of those unique flowers.

Pink insides with spiky purple petals.
Absolutely love this one to bits. For once, the leaves are prettier than the flowers, heh.
One of the more striking-looking flowers.
Termed the inside-out flower. See how the petals curl upwards and outwards, leaving the stamen and pistil hanging down?
flowers (ii)
More to feast your eyes upon. :)

Don't think I've seen a green flower before. Heh. :P Among my favourites.

Unique purple flower with petals that are separately-joined to the stem.
Ubiquitous yellow flowers which we saw quite often by the trails. At the bottom is made up of a fluffy cotton wool-like material.
Purple crocuses hanging their shy heads down, embarrassed by the stares that their beauty attract. ;)
Red leaves among the green ones.
flowers (i)
Since I'm still up, I might as well post a few more photos. Flowers there are gorgeous. Wild alpine flowers especially. They have such unique shapes and colours. I can only pick the bestest of the best because there were simply too many.

Flowers by a roadside in paris. I like the third one best. So magnolia-looking and delicious!

On one of the hiking trails. These are one of my favourite flowers. They are of the clearest blue.

Round fluffy ball-like flowers. Heh. I like most dandelion-looking flowers. So soft and cute.

Unique white things.

The large petals with exquisite colours attract me.

Another one of my favourite. Look at how absolutely cute the flowers are. With a big bulging sack at the bottom and tiny quaint petals peering from inside, it enthralls me to no end. ;)
good food galore
Jetlagging badly at the moment. It's 2.53am and I'm terribly awake. Slept till 10.30am this morning, had a brief nap (actually one and a half hour) in the afternoon, and now I'm absolutely awake. I've been eating non-stop too. I've no idea why people keep saying I lost weight. Granted I may have hiked like crazy during the holidays, but I ate equally a lot too. Lots of dairy products in fact. Every meal is almost always bread, cheese, milk, pasta, potato, wine... Carbohydrates-laden. There is the occasional meat (mostly pork), fish (mainly trout), soup, and of course, salads galore. I'm never one to eat uncooked veges (always felt like a cow eating grass), but since no one in europe cooks leaves, my main diet of roughage has to come from salad. Oh well. And did I forget to mention that I ate ice-cream at least every other day? Crepes, cones, tubs, you name it, I ate it. And now, I've gotten so used to eating whatever I want at whatever time, everytime my stomach yells hunger, I give in. Bad, bad, especially since there's no more hiking to keep the weight off, heh. But good food is such a heavenly life indulgence that one should never scrimp on.

The farmhouse we stayed in Lake Bohinj. Cooked soup on one of the days in the kitchenette. Sliced tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, onions, mushrooms, and with some pre-mix soup.

Trenta valley. A typical breakfast at one of the farms we stayed in. White one is goat's cheese, yellow one is home-made cheese (not sure about it being goat's) and ham.

Trenta. Fresh trout with potato. Yum. :)
Piran. This is by far the best seafood platter appetiser one can ask for. It tasted so light and fresh! The nearest fish to us is sardines. Going clockwise from there - squid, tuna, scallop, and in the middle is tuna paste (I think).

Piran. My dinner! Sole fish in mushroom sauce and potatoes. I love mushrooms, and mushroom sauce is just incredibly heavenly. Ooo...
such beauty
Sigh, I'm helplessly lost in the beautiful images that appear in my mind, when I sleep, in my dreams. The memories that were made will last me a lifetime. I'm filled with utmost happiness and burning sadness when I'm reminded of the scenery, the smiles and laughter, and the pure joy that just emanated from within. I don't think I've ever been happier.
and i cry for the bittersweet memories
Sigh, I'm back. Where do I even begin to describe my incredible journey? I'm filled with unspeakable happiness that words can do nothing to contain my wondrous feelings. Everyday was not a holiday; everyday was like feeling right at home... Sigh.
Lake Bohinj in Slovenia.

Mountains in the distance by a river.

Sunset in Piran.
I wanna stand with you on a mountain,
I wanna bathe with you in the sea.
I wanna live like this forever,
Until the sun goes down on me...